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Who are the visitors?

Published on by Anne-Sophie Faliero - updated on

Some importants figures

691 058

It's the number of visitors in 2015, almost 1% of the French population! 

There are 6 376 international visitors.


...of visitors are professionals. 59% are from Paris, 39% from the rest of France and 2% from overseas.

Average age is 43 years old (vs 45 years old in 2014)

117 000 

This is the number of children under the age of 6. 124 000 children  between 6 and 12 years old and 42 000 children from 12 to 18 years old.  


...of visitors are men and 50% are womens. 44% of visitors are coming for the first time. 

47% of visitors stay an entire day and 43% are coming with their families.  


86% of exhibitors are already wanting to take part in the 2016 edition! What about you?Â